International Baccalaureate Primary Years Program
International Baccalaureate - Primary Years Programme
Lake Forest is proud to announce that we are an officially authorized International Baccalaureate School. Teachers worked hard to create a rich Program of Inquiry. During this process, teachers carefully matched GSE Standards with the IB Transdisciplinary Themes. The units are conceptual and inquiry based, offering a wide range of opportunities to connect locally, nationally and globally. Teachers in grades K-5 will implement six units of inquiry during the school year. Pre-K teachers will implement four units. Teachers will continue to collaborate and reflect upon the units throughout the school year in order to provide the best educational experience. We encourage students to become independent thinkers and guide their own instruction. We also encourage students to take action and give back to the community.
We are very pleased to announce that Lake Forest has Dual Language classes in Grades K-3. We also offer Spanish classes. Our focus is on building enthusiasm for lifelong language learning.
We will continue to familiarize staff, parents, students and community members with the IB Learner Profile and Attitudes. The IB PYP fosters character education with the Learner Profile. The learner Profile encourages students to become inquirers, knowledgeable, thinkers, principled, reflective, caring, balanced, communicators, risk takers and open-minded. Along with the Learner Profile, the attitudes of respect, creativity, cooperation, enthusiasm, commitment, curiosity, empathy, confidence, independence, appreciation, tolerance and commitment are integrated into daily lessons in order for all students to become global citizens. Teachers include the learner profile attributes and attitudes in their daily schedule and encourage students to be the best they can be! The terminology is fully connected with the Character Education Program and the IB Coordinator and School Counselor work together to create meaningful experiences for all students! Cookies for Character is a year-long program where students are recognized monthly for displaying the attributes of the learner profile.We strongly encourage teachers, parents, and community members to join us as we continue this incredible journey to become lifelong learners! We are roaring with excitement!!!